Remember -  During Battle Re-Enactments

  • Please do not bring pets to the celebration. Extremely loud noises associated with battle re-enactments will frighten and distress animals and may put other participants at risk. 
  • The battlefield area in the shore front below Battery Harris will be cordoned off with bright tape for your safety and to assure that all visitors enjoy the battle re-enactments without delays or interruptions. Only Military Living History groups and event officials are allowed inside the roped-off "battlefield" area. 
  • Musket and artillery fire at this event use 'blank' black powder charges. There can be large clouds of real black powder smoke, especially if there is little wind. The smoke can have a sulphurous smell. Expect loud noise and smoke. 
Defenders Day 2015 to
Observe Bicentennial in a Big Way

Battle of North Point Begins
Week of Bicentennial Festivities

If you’ve ever attended the annual Defender’s Day celebration in Fort Howard, you certainly have seen the pride and commitment displayed by everyone associated with honoring the Battle of North Point. And, no wonder. The successful defense of Baltimore by local militia against the British in 1814 was a turning point in American history. “Three weeks earlier, the British had taken Washington DC and burned most of it, Local forces 
were a last stand against
the Redcoats, turning
them back, killing their
commander and
demoralizing the invading
force. Just days later the
British bombarded Fort McHenry and again failed, inspiring Francis Scott Key to immortalize the battle with by writing the Star-Spangled Banner.
Many of the volunteers at the Historical Society have a deep knowledge of the campaign, The committee consists of 12 or 13 people meeting on a regular basis

Volunteers at the Historical Society have a deep knowledge of the campaign, and for the last nine years has been either the chair or co-chair of the committee organizing the Defender’s Day activities. While that committee consists of 12 or 13 people meeting on a regular basis it’s apparent that Harry is a major key to success. “We have plenty of partners, including the State of Maryland, the Baltimore County Office of Tourism, and numerous museums,” said Harry. And that doesn’t include the 140 or so of committed volunteers organizing and manning each day’s events.

Expanded Edition
There will be plenty of activity over the weekend at Fort Howard Park, highlighted by about 90 re-enactors who will do battle twice on Saturday and once on Sunday.  “We’re expecting a number of other museums to join us with exhibits and demonstrations along the walkway,” noted Harry. The Maryland Fire Museum will supply an 1812 hand-drawn pumper used to fight fires during that period. Kids will have a chance to pump water into fire hoses to see how it actually worked. Meanwhile, attendees will get a glimpse of military life at encampments set up by British and American forces over the two days. Demonstrations will include spinning, dyeing, musketry and other arts.

Living History
“We’ll have several very special features of living history,”
Harry said.
The play Never Prod A Hornet, based on Esther Wingert
Bennett’s book of the same name, will be performed during the weekend and depict the lives of North Point families leading up to, during and following the battle. There also will be several performances of the music of the War of 1812 performed by nationally known musician David Hildebrand of the Colonial Music Institute. Coupled with that, the Fort McHenry militia and its fife and drum corps will make an appearance.
Culminating each day will be the folding of a replica of an 1812 flag. Audience members will be asked to participate in the ceremony, since it takes about 100 volunteers to fold the 43-foot flag. The flag-folding will 

be followed each day by the sounds of cannons bombarding the area.

There will be plenty of other demonstrations including blacksmiths and magicians, by volunteers in period costumes, while opening ceremonies will feature local dignitaries.

Always Free

The Defender’s Day celebration, as always, will be free to the public. This family event also features plenty of free parking and shuttle bus service for veterans at the nearby Fort Howard VA facility. Families are welcomed to bring their own lunch, however there will be vendors selling a variety of foods and non-alcoholic drinks.
And, how is all of this made possible at no cost to attendees?
There are a number of partnering organizations and donors, supporting the event, sponsored by the Dundalk-Patapsco Neck Historical Society.  And, let’s not forget the many volunteers who work with real devotion to make Defender’s Day one of the most complete and historically accurate festivals in the U.S. 

defender's day schedule

(Subject to change Year-to-year)
Click Here

for Full Schedule

10:00 AM  


Troops assemble for Flag raising & National Anthem.                                       
10:15 AM        

MILITARY CAMPS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC                                                   
Military music & drill demonstration by Canadian & American Units         

10:30 AM        

MUSEUM & CRAFT DEMONSTRATIONS                                                       
Children’s games ongoing, Various 1812 era, 15-20 minute displays of trades, skills & games, 1812 Fire Apparatus, by the Fire Museum of MD.

SIGN UP WALKING TOURS OF FORT HOWARD – with Ray Scott                 

11:00  AM        


INDUCTION & DRILL                                                      
Boys & girls, 8 & older with Lt. Nebel.  

11:00 AM        

Middle River Concert Band                                        
12:00 PM          

MUSIC OF 1812 - Hosted by The Colonial Music Institute, performed by David Hildebrand

12:45 PM          WELCOMING CEREMONYSinging of The Star Spangled Banner

1:15 PM      

BATTLE OF NORTH POINT RE-ENACTMENT                                   
1:45 PM           

TROOPS ASSEMBLE - for lowering of the American Flag, the raising of the British flag & singing of “God Save The King” 


4 Center Place, Dundalk, MD 21222       410.284.2331